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The Founders' View of the Right to Bear Arms

A Definitive History of the Second Amendment

First Edition
By David E. Young


Errata for the first printing of The Founders' View of the Right to Bear Arms.

On page 16, for purposes of clarification, read the following two sentences instead of the final two sentences under the PLAIN TRUTH heading: "According to Franklin, there were at least 60,000 men in the colony, not counting Quakers, who were able to bear arms in its defense. The reasons Franklin gave for all those men being able to defend the colony as well as themselves was because they were all familiar with their firearms and many were hunters and marksmen, hardy and bold."

On page 92, for purposes of clarification, read the following three sentences instead of the first three sentences: "Thomas Fitzsimmons, a member of the Federal Convention from Pennsylvania, requested that Noah Webster, of later dictionary fame, write a pamphlet in support of the forthcoming Constitution. After the Constitution's publication, a major political debate quickly developed in Pennsylvania regarding ratification and the need for a bill of rights. This controversy was already well underway by early October when Webster wrote his pamphlet, and the opposition was so intense by then that he was forced to address those complaints, including those contained in the Address of the Seceding Pennsylvania Assemblymen."

On page 94, line 16, read "possess" in place of "possesses".

On page 175, line 10, add "the" prior to "Massachusetts".

On page 212, line 6, add footnote "220" directly after "authenticated". The five subsequent consecutively numbered footnotes should all read as incremented by one. They are located and numbered as follows:

Page 212, line 8, read footnote "221" in place of footnote "220".

Page 212, line 24, read footnote "222" in place of footnote "221".

Page 215, line 4, read footnote "223" in place of footnote "222".

Page 216, paragraph 3, line 8, read footnote "224" in place of footnote "223".

Page 221, line 3, read footnote "225" in place of footnote "224".

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This page last updated: April 12, 2008

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